Life Through Her Eyes: 41

Life Through Her Eyes: 41

If you are taking my land I shall die on it I will be buried in it Before I let you take it Like my grandmother I’ll hold on to it’s trees .... The 41st in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 40

Life Through Her Eyes: 40

Burning people alive Shooting at children digging trash for food Killing a man holding a surrendering flag Raping women, and young girls ...The fortieth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 39. One Year Today

Life Through Her Eyes: 39. One Year Today

I remember history class When we learned about genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid I remember my surprise to learn about the capabilities of human kind As if a switch was turned on, activating my survival instinct and my rebellious side ...The thirty-ninth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Yes: 38

Life Through Her Yes: 38

The air in Gaza doesn’t smell the same It used to be of sea. The water in Gaza doesn’t taste the same It used to be of sea ... The thirty-eighth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 37

Life Through Her Eyes: 37

Suffocated by death and yet I see a sparkle in life Can’t predict the next hour however ... The thirty-seventh in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 36

Life Through Her Eyes 36

How can one foresee a painful road and still take it How can one whiteness their own suffering and be patient ... The thirty-sixth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 35

Life Through Her Eyes: 35

When VS if Going to work and not knowing when or if you get back Going to church and not knowing when or if you finish before dawn... Not knowing when or if you'll see your friends again The thirty-fifth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 34

Life Through Her Eyes: 34

How was your week? Would you like to know about mine? On Monday, my love got called into an investigation by the IDF, two of my friends in Gaza had to reallocate, and I had a migraine... The thirty-fourth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 33

Life Through Her Eyes: 33

surrounded by this death I learned a lot I learned to love hard To forgive fast ... The thirty-third in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 32

Life Through Her Eyes: 32

Unwilling to forget Unwilling to forgive Unwilling to compromise Unwilling to surrender Unwilling to give up on life... The thirty-second in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 31

Life Through Her Eyes: 31

I keep typing and erasing I’m afraid to hope any more I’m scared to think of what’s to come The thirty-first in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 30

Life Through Her Eyes: 30

I keep repeating myself I keep repeating myself What a broken record I must be The thirtieth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 29

Life Through Her Eyes: 29

What scares you most? Is it that I still exist? Is it that I still find ways to get under your skin? The twenty-ninth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 28

Life Through Her Eyes: 28

The year I was born, Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza by land, air, and sea At age two, I survived a 22-day attack on Gaza; Israeli forces killed 1,385 Palestinians including 318 children The twenty-eighth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes:27

Life Through Her Eyes:27

Palestinians expelled from their homes = 1,900,000 Homes destroyed = 70% Palestinians facing famine= 1,100,000 Palestinians killed or missing =42,488 . The twenty-seventh in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 26

Life Through Her Eyes: 26

He loves me, I love him too We both love her a lot more We will both choose her over each other ... The twenty-sixth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 25

Life Through Her Eyes: 25

Hand in hand We walk on the beach with sand touching our bare feet Our baby boy “George” is running around When he’s distracted you steal a kiss The twenty-fifth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes :24

Life Through Her Eyes :24

- My dream? I have too many… My biggest dream is to go back in time and change everything. The twenty-fourth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 23

Life Through Her Eyes: 23

If pride is to be tough, teach me oh dear sir The coldness, distance and disconnect you grasp I wish to have The twenty-third in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 22

Life Through Her Eyes: 22

As I lay in my bed, with the lights off, I'm practicing meditation and gratitude, my mind wonders off. You're supposed to try and bring yourself back to its state of meditation, the more I'm trying the harder it's getting. Finally, I give up and let my mind control itself. The twenty-second in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 21

Life Through Her Eyes: 21

Like reaching for water in the desert Or grasping for air underwater Loving you is an “almost” feeling I can almost call you mine The twenty-first in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 20

Life Through Her Eyes: 20

You can't stop being one, you do not want to stop! Despite you never seeing the sea Despite you never walking safe Despite you never breathing free The twentieth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes:19

Life Through Her Eyes:19

I have completely disassociated with reality I am planning my week on Sunday like normal Talking to my friends and business partners, setting up meetings and hangouts Refusing to believe that tomorrow may really not come The nineteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 18

Life Through Her Eyes: 18

If I was a plant, I would be bamboo, it's almost unbreakable If I was an animal, I would be an Arabian horse, the more tired it gets, the faster it goes The eighteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 17

Life Through Her Eyes: 17

Juggling personal affairs Falling in love Focusing on a career path Planning the next adventure . The seventeenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 16

Life Through Her Eyes: 16

To all foreign visitors, we wish you a pleasant stay here in Palestine and to ensure a smooth swift stay please make sure to follow these guidelines: - Please make sure to not carry any sharp objects when moving between governorates: this may include but is not limited to a lighter, phone charger, nail clippers, water bottles, canned drinks, plastic Tupperware, keys, key chains, and any book larger than 100 pages. The sixteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 15

Life Through Her Eyes: 15

I used to think writing helps me express myself Now I can't find the words to say how I feel I used to think therapy allows me a safe space Turns out I don’t feel safe anywhere The fifteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 14

Life Through Her Eyes: 14

I am usually very good at suppressing unwanted memories I am brilliant at disconnecting from anything and everything I can avoid conflict until there is no need for one And I can be ignorant of reality without even trying The fourteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 13

Life Through Her Eyes: 13

Once you hear it, you can’t un-hear it Once you see it, you can't un-see it I see you everywhere I hear you everywhere I can’t get over you Over your love . The thirteenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 12

Life Through Her Eyes 12

We had only been seeing each other for a couple of months but the feelings were strong, I had met his brother and sisters. It was going great, in Palestine nothing great lasts. The twelfth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 11

Life Through Her Eyes 11

I love white, I will always be your guardian angel Write songs for me and about me Protect and provide for me Be proud of me and to have me . The eleventh in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 10

Life Through Her Eyes: 10

I had a dream of growing old with the love of my life, I had a dream of becoming a mother and bearing children, I had a dream of becoming a doctor, I had a dream of owning my own home with a backyard. The tenth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes : 9

Life Through Her Eyes : 9

She would bring a book for us to read Sometimes we just listen to music One time she brought a guy over My favorite is when I get to hear her silent thoughts while we are cuddling. The ninth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 8

Life Through Her Eyes: 8

While being accepting of death While believing in gods and wisdom While keeping a positive attitude While working hard to be your best self The eighth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 7

Life Through Her Eyes: 7

Where to now? Where can I go that is safe, but still call home? If hospitals, UN schools, mosques, and churches are not safe, where can I seek shelter? My home was bombed on day 15 The seventh in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 6

Life Through Her Eyes 6

In a world where kids dream about being superheroes, there are kids who do not get to dream In a world where a mother is worried about her kid's future, there is a mother whose kids were murdered The sixth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 5

Life Through Her Eyes 5

At 7 days old Your eyes are still blurry. All you do is eat and sleep You cry, a lot People are happy you're here You are swamped with love and kisses on your sweet little face. The fifth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 4

Life Through Her Eyes 4

Does it scare you when I smile despite my pain? Does it scare you that I'm living while surviving you? Does it scare you to be an inspiration for revolutionary art? The fourth in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 3

Life Through Her Eyes 3

On October the 9th 2023, I am asked to speak at an international live-streaming webinar about “youth participation in humanitarian emergencies and why it is important”. The third in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes 2

Life Through Her Eyes 2

On the day that the youngest victim in Gaza was 3 hours old, I was asked what gives me hope I laughed; I really thought she was joking Up until that day, six of my friends have lost their homes A hospital was bombed Two of my friends sent me a farewell text I had a meltdown about socks The second in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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Life Through Her Eyes: 1

Life Through Her Eyes: 1

It is normal to think your friend is dead when they do not pick up. It is normal to continue work after receiving an “I don’t know if I'm gonna live until tomorrow” text from your friend. The first in a series from Palestinian artist and writer Rand Sayej

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