Life Through Her Eyes: 40


Burning people alive

Shooting at children digging trash for food

Killing a man holding a surrendering flagRaping women, and young girls 

Slaughtering pregnant women 

Starving civilians Bombing news reporters and medical staff

Threatening hospitals and schools

Ripping a part homes, supermarkets, bakeries 

Bombarding home buildings
I hope your souls will be twisting in hell 

You and all whose silent witnesses 
There is a special hell for you up there 

Just like the one you’re creating on earth 
hearing the screams on women, watching the horrors of kids, and feeling the pain of old men. 

I somehow wish to be with them, trying to help them or die trying. The rage in me will never mellow 

The rage in me will fuel my revenge 
Don’t wonder, I am threatening 

Don’t question, I am serious 

And don’t you ever doubt

Palestine will be free

About the Author

Rand is a 26-year-old Palestinian. She is the youngest of four children; she finished her undergraduate studies at Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, Palestine. During her university years, Rand grew more interested in the humanitarian structure and the Palestinian cause from a humanitarian point of view. Through volunteering and networking, Rand received many pieces of training in crisis management, and emergency navigation, as well as, humanitarian structure, signature, and localization allowing her to employ her knowledge in her career and as a volunteer with many local and international humanitarian organizations. Moreover, Rand is a very expressive artistic person who attempts to share her human experience through pen and brush. She is captivated by sunsets and Palestinian beauty.

All photos in the series are by Rand.