Scary secret
I am usually very good at suppressing unwanted memories
I am brilliant at disconnecting from anything and everything
I can avoid conflict until there is no need for one
And I can be ignorant of reality without even trying
But this memory can't seem to go away
I'm scared to talk about it and yet it is like a lump in my thought
Writing about it is like talking about it minus the judgment or sorry faces
It hurts to be a palestinian living in the west bank
Palestinians living in Gaza blame you for not doing enough
For not joining the fight on the ground
For not speaking up
For not being hurt as they are
Accusing you of having a normal life
Western People being impressed about you going to work
Having internet connections
Praising you for speaking up
Expressing their solidarity and envy of you
Accusing you of having a normal life
My life is far from normal
My body is at one place and my soul is in another
I am fighting the fight from within
I am experiencing conflict between my body parts
I'm drinking out of guilt and i feel guilty drinking I'm
working hard out of frustration and I'm too frustrated to work hard
I'm sleeping to get comfort and I'm uncomfortable sleeping
I'm exhausting myself during workouts on purpose
I'm eating things that hurt my stomach on purpose
I'm waking up every hour at night on purpose
I'm denying myself showers on purpose
I'm neglecting my mental health on purpose
I'm living recklessly, im living dangerously
I am barely living
Don't accuse me of a normal life
About the Author
Rand is a 26-year-old Palestinian. She is the youngest of four children; she finished her undergraduate studies at Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, Palestine. During her university years, Rand grew more interested in the humanitarian structure and the Palestinian cause from a humanitarian point of view. Through volunteering and networking, rand received many pieces of training in crisis management, and emergency navigation, as well as, humanitarian structure, signature, and localization allowing her to employ her knowledge in her career and as a volunteer with many local and international humanitarian organizations. Moreover, rand is a very expressive artistic person who attempts to share her human experience through pen and brush. She is captivated by sunsets and Palestinian beauty.