End Times Themes

Here are some rough and ready categories to organise the 400+ interviews . Since moving from 3:AM I haven't had the time until now to try and put them in some sort of organising scheme. This is my first go at it. Many of the interviews range further than one field, hence the rough fit feel. For example, Stephen Reid could have been in logic or medieaval philosophy - I chose medieaval because that category is a little thin! But then some of the medieval interviews appeared in the religious philosophy section, which explains why the medieval is not fatter!  So it goes. And I'm sure I'll have misplaced some. I'm starting to house-keep so I'll be repairing damaged interviews (eg restoring lost pictures and spacing between words) but it'll take time. Please be patient.  

Sure, the categories are a bit improvised. I even have a 'continental' category which in the end may be just because I'm not sure where I'd put the interviews if they weren't there. It's not about them being 'not analytic' however. 

Looking at the body of interviews it's clear where I need  more - Marx for example, and medieval. But I'm not totally in control of this of course - I can ask -  but philosophers are busy and do this for free so often can't or won't respond positively. So what emerges will be to some extent ad hoc. 

Ethics including environmental issues

Nancy Sherman On Stoic Wisdom

Kirwin Claire Elizabeth Value Realism and Idiosyncrasy, And Also What Nietzsche Does 

Sam Fleischacker: Adam Smith on Empathy Plus Issues of Divine Revelation

Paul B Woodruff:  What Trump Forgot: Reverence, Empathy, Leadership, Education and Altruism

Robin Attfield Environmental and Global Ethics

Alice Crary Ethics, Wittgenstein and the Frankfurt School, and Cavell

Regina Rini Moral  Disturbances

Simon Blackburn Whisperer of doubt

C.G. Prado Dangerously frank

David Enoch Shameless realism goes robust

Valerie Tiberius mostly elephant, ergo...

Jonathan Dancy Ethics without principles

Christine M Korsgaard Treating people as ends in themselves

Cecile Fabre On the intrinsic value of each of us

Matthew Chrisman Metaethical Questions

Thomas Pink Self-Determination and Ethics

Elizabeth Barnes The Minority Body

Alec Walen On Permissible Killing

Erica Benner The Ethical Machiavelli

Rebecca Gordon Saying no! to Jack Bauer: mainstreaming torture

John Martin Fischer deep control, death and co

Ruth Chang the existentialist of hard choices

Mark Andrew Schroeder being for

Stephen Darwall from the second person

Pamela Hieronymi forgiveness, blame, reasons...

Sibyl A Schwarzenbach on civic friendship

Virginia Held The ethics of care

Christian Miller Character

Dale W Jamieson Reason In Our Dark Time

Samuel Scheffler Death, Afterlife, Justice and Value

Jerry Gaus The Tyranny of the Ideal

Nomy Arpaly In Praise of Desire and Some

Torbjörn Tännsjö The Hedonistic Utilitarian

Allan Gibbard Thinking How To Live

Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek From the Point Of View of the Universe

Philip Kitcher Life After Faith

Luciano Floridi Philosophy from the Zettabyte

Deborah Cao Animal Cruelty and the Law in China

Berislav Marušić Evidence, Agency and Bad Faith

Ralph Wedgwood On The Nature Of Normativity

Thomas Scanlon What We Owe Each Other

Bart Schultz The Happiness Philosopher

David Wong The Pluralist

Saba Bazargan Just War

John Broome Weighing Goods and People: Ethics out of Economics: Rationality through Reasoning...and Climate Change

Fiona Woollard On Doing and Allowing Harm

Helen Frowe Understanding Defensive Killing

Skye Cleary Existentialists In Love

Terence Cuneo Normative Webs, Thomas Reid and Liturgy

Greg Bognar What's Fair About Disability, Rationing Health Care, Ageing and Overpopulation?

Sophie Grace Chappel Glory, Beauty, Epiphany, Imagination: How To Do Moral Philosophy

Agnes Callard Aspiration


Edward C Halper Aristotelian Metaphysics

Peter van Inwagen Being

Hud Hudson: From The Glasshouse: Analytic Theology and Metaphysics

Peter Finocchiaro: Quine's Ideology, Metaphysical Dragons, Fidelity, Confabulation and Other Stuff

Jessica Wilson: Metaphysics, Metametaphysics, Emergence, Grounding and Indeterminacy

Trenton Merricks Propositions, Truth, Persons and Vagueness

Roman Altshuler Agency

Tuomas Tahko Necessary Metaphysics

Joshua Mozersky Time, Language, Ontology

Roberto Casati What's a hole made of and other enigmas

Markus Gabriel Why The World Does Not Exist But Unicorns Do

Stephan Kraemer On what there is for things to be

Friederike Moltmann Parts, wholes, abstracts, tropes and ontology

Thomas Sattig The Double Life of Objects

Anna Marmodoro powers, Aristotle and the incarnation

John Heil the universe as we find it

Agustín Rayo absolute generality

Stephen Mumford Hidden powers

Kit Fine Metaphysical Kit

Alasdair Richmond Is Time Travel Possible? Are We Close to Doomsday? and Other Big Deals…

Helen Beebee Making a Difference

Ross P Cameron Moving Spotlight Metaphysics and Other Stuff

Carolina Sartorio An Actual Sequence View of Freedom

Adrian Moore Modern Metaphysics - the Analytic/Continental Mix

Bradford Skow Reasons Why

L.A. Paul metaphysical

Amie Lynn Thomasson on the reality of sherlock holmes etc

Robert Stalnaker the possible worlds hedgehog

David Papineau physical

Eric Olson The philosopher with no hands

E.J. Lowe Metaphysical Foundations of Science

Peter Simons The Anti-Platonist Metaphysician

Franz Berto Impossibility and Non-Existence

David Skrbina Metaphysics of Technology and Panpsychism

Rognvaldur Ingthorsson McTaggart and Metaphysics

Kris McDaniel The Fragmentation of Being

Mark Jago The Impossible and The Real

Alex Rosenberg the mad dog naturalist

Craig Callender Time lord


Liz Jackson Pascal's Wager

Steven D Hales Luck Skepicism, Nietzsche, Relativism and Other Intrigues

Crispin Wright Truth, Objectivity, Meaning and Realism

Juan Comesaña The Epistemology of Rational Candy

Mitterer Josef: How The Fly Got In: Philosophy of Dualism

Darren Bradley Epistemology, Probable Belief and Carnap

David Christensen Disagreement

Miriam Solomon Making Medical Knowledge

Sara L. Uckelman Dynamic Epistemology

John Turri Philosophers Wrong About Knowledge Since Plato Bombshell!

Miriam Schoenfield How Rational is our Rationality?

Sarah Moss Saving Wittgenstein, Credence Knowledge and Semantics

Ernest Sosa The Virtue Epistemologist

Alvin Goldman Thinking About Mindreading, Mirroring and Embedded Cognition et al…

Pascal Engel Truth, Success and Frank Ramsey

Jennifer Lackey On Testimony

Hilary Kornblith On reflection

Michael Lynch Truth, reason & democracy

Jason Stanley Philosophy as the great naïveté

David Boucher Political Canons, Collingwood, Idealism and Decolonialisation

Marion Hourdequin Environmental Ethics and Confucius

Kevin Vallier Must Politics Be War?

John Davenport Autonomy, Kierkegaard, Global Politics

Richard Pettigrew Credence: What To Do When We're Not Certain

Duncan Pritchard Epistemic Luck, Angst and Disjunctivism

 Philosophy of science (including formal aspects of philosophy of science)

J.D. Trout Philosophy of Science, Empathy, Epistemology and Naturalism

Brian Skyrms Chance Is All: The Evolution of the Social Contract

Anna Alexandrova On the Science of Wellbeing

Paul Thagard Brains to Social Sciences

Douglas Stalker Philosophical Debunking (Part 1) 

Lee McIntyre Science Denial and Post-Truth: On Our New Dark Age

Anya Plutynski Philosophical Explanations of Cancer, Biology, Science, Biodiversity

Jenann Ismael Transformation, The Situated Self and Philosophy of Physics

Steven French There Are No Such Things As Theories

Mark Lowell Wilson Wise Pencils and Wandering Significance

Don Ross Economics, Metaphysics and Cognition

Valia Allori Physics, the Wavefunction and Realism

Muhammed Ali Khalidi Natural Categories and Human Kinds - And Islamic Philosophy

 Frederick Eberhardt Causal

Judea Pearl The Causal Revolutionary

Christopher Hitchcock Causation, Probability and Philosophy

Bana Bashour Naturalism's Final Causes

Jonathan Birch Darwinian conundrums

Stathis Psillos philosophy of science

Alastair Wilson Multiverses and sleeping beauty

Peter Godfrey-Smith philosophy of biology

Sean Carroll philosophy from the preposterous universe

Jonathan Bain philosophy and physics

Mark Calderon Tactile

Michael Shaffer How to Idealize

John Dupré Life As Process and other Issues in the Philosophy of Biology

Marc Lange Law

Peter Lewis Why Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics Is More Important Than That of Poached Eggs

James Marcum Kuhn's Science and Does Medicine Really Care About Patients?

Elliott Sober From A Biological Point Of View, and Then Some

Richard Dawid String theory and post-empiricism

Catherine Z. Elgin Understanding in Science and Elsewhere

Barry Loewer Descrying the World of Physics

Maria Kronfeldner Darwinian Creativity, Memetics and Some

Chiara Lisciandra Robust

Tim Lewens evolution, bioethics and human nature

Michael Strevens Bigger Than Chaos

Bas van Fraassen How to Talk About Empiricism

Shan Gao Does God Play Dice?

Benjamin H Feintzeig On the Frontiers of Physics, Math and Philosophy

Mariam Thalos Multi-Scale & Existentialist Freedoms

Michela Massimi Interdisciplinary: Metaphysics, Science and Philosophy

Massimo Pigliucci rationally speaking

Tim Maudlin on the foundations of physics

Vernor Vinge Time Will Tell

Clark Glymour Bayes' Arrows

 Logic and Maths

Charles Travis Frege and the Pure Business of Being True etc

Paul Livingston The Politics of Logic

Zach Weber Yes and No

John P Burgess Reflections on Nominalism and on Kripke

Anil Gupta Against Post-Truth: The Logical Experience of Knowledge, the Circularity of Truth etc

Jessica Leech What Kind of a Fact is a Flying Pig for Kant? and Things like That

Bob Hale Frege and Necessary Beings

Greg Restall The Logical Pluralist

Bruno Whittle Paradoxes and Their Logic

Diana Raffman Unruly Words

Penelope Maddy the stuff of proof

Penny Rush the metaphysics of logic

Margaret Cuonzo Paradoxes and Their Logic

Catarina Dutilh Novaes on cognitive artifacts

Timothy Williamson modality and metaphysics

Joel David Hamkins Playing infinite chess

Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra Truthmaking

Gila Sher The place of philosophy

JC Beall Spandrels of truth

Graham Priest Logically speaking

Timothy Williamson Classical Investigations

Jeremy Avigad Philosophy, Maths, Logic and Computers

Volker Halbach On the Nature of Truth

Mark Textor Brentano's Mind, Frege's Sense

Richard Heck Frege, Dummett, Vagueness, Liars and Julius Caesar

Heinrich Wansing Logics: More Than One Way to Skin a Cat...

Alexander Pasau Along With The Eggs, Are There Sets Of Eggs In The Fridge Too? And Other Key Questions...

Anand Jayprakash Vaidya Hindu Syllogisms and Dark Necessities Go Fusion

Hartry Field Why You Don't Need Brain Surgery To Change Logic

 History and history of philosophy and overviews

Aaron Preston The Illusion of Analytic Philosophy and Metaphilosophical Eudaimonism as Personalism

Sam Fleischecker Adam Smith: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein Plato, Gödel, Spinoza, Ahab

John Carriero Meditations on Descartes' Meditations

Paul Risnock Bolzano

Fraser MacBride A Revisionary History of Analytic Philosophy

Robert Pasnau The Parochialism of Philosophy

Cecelia Watson on William James and John la Farge

Quentin Skinner Liberty before Liberalism & all that

Gary Gutting What Philosophers Know

Alex Rosenberg How History Gets Things Wrong

Anthony Gottlieb Dreams of Reason

Pierfrancesco Basile To Be Refuted at Each Century: James Ward and Alfred North Whitehead

Daniel Frank Philosophies of Judaism


Philip Goodchild Deleuze, Theology of Money, and Global Crisis

Richard Swinburne Philosophy of Souls and Other Religious Ideas

John Cottingham Reflections on Descartes, Reflections on Religion

Gaven Kerr Immediate Realism and Aquinas's Way To God

Tim Mawson The Rationalist Theist

Felix Ó Murchadha Heidegger, Politics, Phenomenology, Religion

Susannah Cornwall queer theology and sexchatology

George Pattison towards hope

Greg Dawes on theism and explanation

John Haldane Aquinas amongst the analytics

Anthony Booth Analytic Islamic Philosophy and Moderate Evidentialism

Ola Sigurdson embodiment

Thomas Williams Augustine, Anselm and Duns Scotus Revisited

Paul Muench Pursuing Kierkegaard

Catarina Belo Can Philosophy and Religion be Harmonised? Averroes, Avicenna, Hegel

James Orr Edith Stein, Phenomenology and Analytic Theology...

Georgios Steiris Maximus, Al-Farabi and the Extended Philosophical Canon


Pedro Tabensky  Camus and Fanon

Thomas Mulligan Meritocracy Rules

Cristina Lafont: The Crisis Of Democracy: No Short Cuts

Zucca Lorenzo Towards a Secular Europe

Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism, Animal Rights, Inclusive Citizenship

Paul Nieman Real World Politics

Jean-Philippe Deranty Proletarian Nights with Ranciere, Habermas, Honneth, Merleau-Ponty and Hegel

Walter Horn Democracy Naturalised

Russell Blackford Tyrannies of Opinion et al

Jonathan Quong Reasons for a Liberalism Without Perfectionism

Jonathan Wolff Political Philosophy

Johanna Oksala Foucault's freedom

Daniel A. Kaufman Anti-Theory Philosophy

Alan Gilbert Fighting from below for recognition as human

Lorenzo Zucca Towards a Secular Europe

Japa Pallikkathayil Rethinking the formula of humanity

Ewa Bińczyk The Rhetoric and Lethargy of the Anthropocene

Howard Williams kant in syria

Omar Dahbour ecosovereignty

Thom Brooks in search of global justice

Samir Chopra go hack yourself

Kimberley Brownlee Conscience and Conviction

Elizabeth Anderson The new leveller

David Estlund Who Rules?

Steven B. Smith an east coast straussian on political philosophy

Jeremy Sheamur On Popper and Hayek

Matthew Lister Thinking About Globalisation, Immigration and Refugees

Fabian Wendt Why Compromise? Why Peace?

Åsa Burman The Social Ontology of Power

Fabienne Peter Legitimacy and Epistemic Democracy

Quassim Cassam Vices of the Mind: Fake News, Conspiracy Theories, Bullshit etc...

Benjamin A Schupmann Carl Schmitt and Democratic Cannibalism

Fred Neuhouser Rousseau: Where Does Social Inequality Come From?

Robert A. Wilson Standpoint Theory and Eugenics

Mathias Risse Global Justice, Trade and Philosophy ... and Nietzsche Too

Martha Nussbaum The Monarchy of Fear

Robert B. Talisse and Scott F. Aikin Epistemology and Democracy

Peter Ludlow what the hell are we doing here ?

Jason Brennan On the ethics of voting

Lisa Herzog Philosophy of Markets

 Mind and Action

Rowlands Mark Hour of the Wolf

Kind Amy The Compatibilist Imagination

Klein Alexander William James Where All Consciousness Is Motor

Brook Andrew The Minds of Kant, Dennett and Freud

Carlos Montemayor Hard Problems and Then Some

John Schwenkler Ancombe's Intention and Related Issues

Richard T. Gipps Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

Louise Anthony A Mind With A View

Mark Kalderon Tactile

Sarah Paul How Far Do You Have To Go Before It's A Crime? And Other Puzzles

Jonathan Cohen Colour

Margherita Arcangeli imagination supposition, imagine

Joelle Proust Metacognition

Evan Thompson Waking, Dreaming, Being

Susanna Siegel Phenomenology Never Goes Out Of Date

Kieran Setiya What Anscombe intended & other puzzles

Roger Teichmann Ninety-four pages & then some

Hanoch Ben-Yami Turing tests, Chinese Rooms, Sherlock Holmes, Wittgensteinian Vagueness and Descartes

Jan Slaby Against Empathy and Other Philosophical Beefs

Barbara Gail Montero Thought in Action, Panpsychism (and Not Using the F-word)

Mohan Matthen On Perception, Aesthetics etc etc

Dan Robinson Keeping the Manifest Image in Mind

Peter Sjöstedt-H The Noumenaut: Psychedelics and Philosophy

Katalin Farkas Internalism and Descartes' Demon and Stuff

Thomas K Metzinger All About the Ego Tunnel

Eric Steinhart Digital Ghosts

Berit Brogaard Truth, Knowability, Mind and Romantic Love

Kathinka Evers Neuroethics

Frank Jackson Mary's Room and stuff

Daniel Stoljar epistemic consciousness

Susan Schneider mental lives and Fodor's LOT

Susanna Schellenberg epistemic forces and perception

Daniel Dennett Intuition pumping

Anne Jaap Jacobson The neurofeminist

Tim Crane Mindful

Frances Egan Meaning as gloss

Jerry Fodor Meaningful words without sense, & other revolutions

Michael Tye Thinking fish & zombie caterpillars

Richard Brown Shombies vs Zombies

Pete Mandik Brain hammer

Patricia Churchland Causal machines

Peter Carruthers Mind Reader

Michael Madary No Fulfillment Without Anticipations and VRs Place Of Illusions

Chris Letheby Psychedelics and Philosophy

Adina L. Roskies brains

Andy Clark Poise Is Everything... Surfing Uncertainty

Søren Overgaard Rethinking Minds: the Wittgenstein, Levinas, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty Gang

Colin McGinn Brief encounter with the mysterian


Paul Elbourne Meaning

Zoltán Gendler Szabó Philosophy of Language

Ofra Magidor Category Mistakes

Stephen Yablo about aboutness

Sam Wheeler III davidson and derrida

Scott Soames kripke's unfinished business

Elisabeth Camp metaphors and minds

Gillian Russell a kill bill philosopher

Paul Horwich Deflationism and Wittgenstein

Roy Sorensen Philosophy's madhatter

Herman Cappelen No intuitions no relativism

Enie Lepore Meaning, truth, language, reality

Gary Kemp On the weightlessness of reality

Alexis Burgess Imagining god creating poppies

Sarah Sawyer A natural kind externalist

Guy Longworth Cashing the Cheques of Common Sense: JL Austin and Philosophy of Language

Justin Khoo Disagreement

Mahrad Almotahari Not and Other Metalinguistic Stuff

Jeffrey King propositions, analysis and context

Eliot Michaelson Refer

Arpy Khatchirian Davidson and Indeterminacy of Truth Conditions

Emma Borg minimalism

Peter Pagin How Donald Trump's Bullshit Earned Him a Place in the History of Assertion


Tina Fernandes Botts Philosophy and Diversity

Alison Stone Hegel, Irigaray, Motherhood & Feminist Philosophy

Lori Gruen philosophy of captivity

Clare Chambers sex, culture and justice

Ann Cahill Carnal ethics

Hilde Lindemann No ethics without feminism

Robin Zheng Precarity and other Feminist Philosophical Issues

Holly Lawford-Smith Thinking About Climate Change, Global Justice and Trans

Alison Assiter Kierkegaardian


Ron Mallon Constructing Race

Albert Atkin Peirce, Pragmatism and Race, Racism

Derrick Darby Keeping It Real: The Colour of Mind

Chris Lebron The colour of our shame

Olufemi Taiwo Philosophy from the Black Radical Tradition

 Phenomenology and hermeneutics

David J Detmer Zimm, Sartre, Husserl, Rorty 

Dan Zahavi Phenomenology: Husserl's Legacy

Taylor Carman Mature: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty

Jeff Malpas Landscaping Heidegger

Lee Braver On Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Derrida

Mahon O'Brien Heidegger's Tarnished Legacy

Steven DeLay Is Phenomenology in France Theology or Philosophy?


Michael Rosen Philosophising Under the Shadow of God

Robert Gressis The Religious Kant, the Religious Hume, and Other Curveballs

Anil Gomes Kant, other minds and intersecting issues...

Karl Ameriks Kant's Historical Turn

Melissa Merritt Kant's Sublime

Thomas Khurana Freedom's Tendency to Get Ahead of Itself and Fall Short etc


Mattia Riccardi Nietzsche's Philosophical Psychology

Mark Alfano Nietzsche and Virtue

Robert Guay Dostoevsky, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche

Alexander Nehamas Nietzsche and Friendship

Andrew Huddleston Nietzsche, Art and the Neo-Hegelian Commitment

Ken Gemes on the tragedy of life

Jessica Berry A Pyrrhonian Nietzschean stakeout

Julian Young Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger: Sex, Death and Boredom

Keith Ansell-Pearson Nietzsche: the Middle Writings

Brian Leiter Leiter Reports

Paul Katsafanas Nietzschean Flourishing

 Marx and German Materialism

William Lewis The Fall and Rise of Louis Althusser

Allen Wood Kant, Marx, Fichte

Kurt Bayertz On German Materialism

Peter Singer Why Marx's Philosophy But Not His Economics Matters Now

 Hegel and Idealism

Terry Pinkard The Legacies of Idealism

David James Fichte and Rousseau

Robert Pippin Hegelian Themes

Robert Stern Hegel's modest metaphysician

Andreja Novovic Hegel and the Ethical Life

Katerina Deligiorgi Our complex, difficult & fragile enlightenments


A. Raghuramaraju Ramchandra Gandhi and Contemporary Indian Philosophy

Jonardon Ganeri Artha: India: philosophy

Elisa Fresch The Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā School

Malcolm Keating Indian Philosophy of Language

Ramkrishna Bhattacharya Indian Materialist Philosophy


Nicolas Bommarito buddhist ethics

Jay L. Garfield Buddhist howls

Dan Arnold Dharmakīrti's Philosophy of Mind Among Other Things

Maria Heim Buddhaghosa: Immeasurable Words

William Edelglass Buddhism and Levinas

Jan Westerhoff Emptiness and No-Self: Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka

Eric S Nelson How Not To Be A Frog In A Well: Chinese/German/Buddhist Philosophy 


Justin Tiwald On Chinese Philosophy

Alexus McLeod Chinese Philosophy and the Dao of Madness


Tsenay Serequeberhan The Contesting Memory of African Philosophy

Ada Agada Existence and Consolation


Fred Schauer Free Speech, The Force of Law and Other Issues

John Kleinig Ethics, Law and Politics

Matthew Kramer law and ethics

Joseph Raz from normativity to responsibility etc

Katrina Sifferd responsibility and punishment

John Gardner Law as a leap of faith

Mitch Berman Clearing away confusions and debris

Andrei Marmor The endless search for truth

Meir Dan-Cohen A Certain Distance

Liam Murphy Is International Law Law, and Other Questions

Colleen Murphy Transitional Justice

Les Green Legal Oughts and Stuff


Kendall Walton Can Art Be Defined? and Other Puzzles

Douglas Stalker Debunking (Part 2)

James Young: Cultural Appropriation, Copyright and Formalism

Theodore Gracyk The Philosophy of Jazz, Popular Music and Art 

Robert Stecker Thinking About Art and Aesthetic Value

Dennis Schmidt Tragedy and Philosophy

A.J. Hamilton self-consciousness, aesthetics, music

Paul Crowther Post-analytic phenomenology vs market serfdom

Karsten Harries Heidegger, Art, Architecture

Peter Kivy Apologia pro vita sua: my work in philosophy

Richard Moran Keeping Sartre, and other passions

James Grant The Critical Imagination

Kathleen Stock Taking Stock of Fiction and the Issue of Feminism and Trans Women

Karen Simecek Philosophy and Poetry


Richard Smith Towards the Quieter Virtues and Other Issues in Philosophy of Education

Andrew J Davis Assessment, Religious Pluralism, Synthetic Phonetics and Other Educational Issues

John Tillson  Children, Religion and Influence in the Philosophy of Education

David E Cooper The Measure of Things

David Bakhurst Soviet Philosophy and then some

John White Curriculum and the Child Redux

Sigal Ben-Porath The Weaponising of Free Speech On Campus, and Other Toxicities...

German including Frankfurt School (See also overlaps with Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel and Idealism, and Marx and German Materialism, plus History of Philosophy sections.)

Kristin Gjesdal Gadamer, Herder and Women Philosophers of the Long Nineteenth Century

Rachel Zuckert Naturalistic Herder and Arty Kant

Corey W Dyck Kant and His German Contemporaries, Including the Women

 Dalia Nassar On The Romantic Absolute

Andrew Bowie Schelling, Adorno and all that Jazz

Brian O’Connor Adorno's negative dialectic and so on

Fred Rush idealism and critical theory

Gordon Finlayson Habermas, Adorno, Politics

Kathleen Higgins Eros art wisdom

Frederick Beiser Diotima's Child

Eli Friedlander Awakening Benjamin

Georgia Warnke After Identity: Questions Of Interpretation

Espen Hammer German Idealism and Modernism

Johannes Steizinger Dilthey, Simmel, Nietzsche, Benjamin: Life and Relativism


Alan Macfarlane Ernest Gellner and Issues of Enchanted Modernities

Kyoo Lee Jazz: Reading Descartes Otherwise

Leonard "Len" Lawlor French Continentals

Ray Brassier Nihil Unbound

Costica Bradatan Why Murder Philosophers?

Tom Eyers Lacan and french post-rationalism

Todd May the poststructural anarchist

Jeffrey Bell Philosophy at the Edge of Chaos

Creston Davis Zizek, Hegelian Theology after Lacan, and Philosophical Crisis

Miguel de Beistegui Who Are We Today? Foucault: Proust: Deleuze

Ancient Greek and medieval

Matthew D Walker Contemplating Aristotle on Contemplation

Sophia M Connell Aristotle and Female Animals

Ana Maria Mora Marquez Brit On the Soul and Other Medieval Things

Henrik Lagerlund Medieval, Renaissance and Sakeptical Philosophy

David Roochnik Arcadian Wisdom

Gail Judith Fine All You Wanted to Know About Plato on Meno's Paradox, and Other Gems

Katja Maria Vogt The Pyrrhonian Skeptic

Brian Copenhaver Italian philosophy, Magic and Peter of Spain

Brooke A. Holmes Philosophical Frontiers of Ancient Science

Iakovos Vasiliou Plato aims at virtue

Stephen Read medieval matters

Nickolas Pappas Philosophy and aesthetics

Richard Kraut Against absolute goodness

Scott Berman The platonist

Christopher Shields Aristotle, Metaphysics and the Delicacy of Anachronism

Michail Peramatzis Aristotelian Metaphysics

Phil Horky Aristotelian Plato, Mathematical Pythagoreanism and the Origins of Philosophy


Edward Harcourt Wittgenstein's Ethical Enterprise and Related Matters

Bill Child Wittgenstein and the Limits of Science

Jose_Zalabardo Scepticism and Early Wittgenstein

Arif Ahmed a Wittgenstein Kripke vertigo disturbance

Early modern

Justin Erik Halldór Smith Leibniz Reflecting on Your Plight As A Being-Toward-Death or Whatever 

Ruth Boeker Locke on Persons and Personal Identity and Other Moderns

Sam Newlands Spinoza's Perky and Adorable Rationalist Charms

Martin Lin Revising Spinoza

Charlie Huenemann Spinoza, Nietzsche, Sloterdijk

Richard T.W. Arthur Leibniz, Time and Physics 

Paul Lodge Leibniz: Strange monads, esoteric harmony and love

Jeffrey K. McDonough Leibniz, Berkeley, Kant, Frege; bees, toasters and Julius Caesar

Steven Nadler books forged in hell etc

Ursula Renz After Spinoza: wiser, freer, happier

Michael Della Rocca Parmenides and Spinoza

Sharon Lloyd Decriminalising Hobbes

Tom Sorell Innocent Descartes and Sober Hobbes

Marya Schechtman The Constitution of Selves: Locke and the Person Led View

Don J Garrett Having Cake and Eating it With Hume and Spinoza

Tom Jones On Pope's Philosophical Poem: 'An Essay on Man'

Rebecca Copenhaver Reid's Common Sense, Berkeley's Vision and Whether Gentile's Fascism Should Matter More Than Berkeley's Slave Plantation

Paul Russell Hume's Irreligious Core

Daniel Garber History from the Early Modern Philosophers

Lisa Downing Early Mod philosophy

Emily Thomas Jerk and Whoosh Time

Catherine Wilson Epicureanism, Early Mods and The Moral Animal

Dennis Rasmussen The Infidel and the Professor

Yitzhak Melamed Spinoza's Metaphysics and His Relationship To Hegel and the German Idealists


David Weissman Philosophising for Lost Souls

Cheryl Misak Recalibrating Pragmaticism

Robert Brandom Between Saying and Doing

Richard Healey How Pragmatism Reconciles Quantum Mechanics With Relativity etc

Rebecca Kukla the relentless naturalist

Huw Price Without mirrors

Sander Verhaegh Quine's Naturalism

Hallvard Lillehammer Indifference, Cambridge Pragmatists and Companions in Guilt

X Phi

Chris Weigel X Phi is Here to Stay

Edouard Machery without concepts

Stephen R Grimm Understanding understanding

Joshua Alexander Cosmo x-phi

Chris Weigel X-phi is here to stay

Bryony Pierce Panabstractism crashes xphi (maybe)

Eddy Nahmias Questioning willusionism

Claire White Mourning becomes a lecturer

Alfred Mele The Four million dollar philosopher

Eric Schwitzgebel The Splintered Skeptic

Josh Knobe Indie Rock Virtues