31 Jan
Lodge: Johnny Pulp and the Lemonheads

with fire.mp3(David Lynch quotes)

late night on the town (Remastered) (1).mp3

guide wire (Remastered) (1).mp3

no more texts (Remastered) (1).mp3

Cinderella (Remastered) (2).mp3

cry mercy (Remastered) (1).mp3

sing out (Remastered) (1).mp3

bang (Remastered).mp3


if you please (Remastered).mp3

twin peaks (Remastered).mp3

murder tensions (Remastered).mp3

agent cooper dreams (Remastered).mp3

lost highway (Remastered).mp3

Lynch time seranade.mp3

with fire (Remastered).mp3 (Reprieve)

Sleeve Notes

“Being in darkness and confusion is interesting to me. But behind it you can rise out of that and see things the way the really are. That there is some sort of truth to the whole thing, if you could just get to that point where you could see it, and live it, and feel it. I think it is a long, long, way off. In the meantime there’s suffering and darkness and confusion and absurdities, and it’s people kind of going in circles. It’s fantastic. It’s like a strange carnival: it’s a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of pain. Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me! Stories always have held conflicts and contrasts, highs and lows, life and death situations. And there can be much suffering in stories, but now we say the artist doesn’t have to suffer to show suffering. You just have to understand the human condition, understand the suffering. Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me! The more unknowable the mystery, the more beautiful it is. I like things that go into hidden, mysterious places, places I want to explore that are very disturbing. In that disturbing thing, there is sometimes tremendous poetry and truth. Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me! Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful. Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me! “ – David Lynch. sometimes you realise you've listened to someone for many many years and have been so influenced that when they die you feel immeasurable sadness. When David Lynch died there were so many artistic insights he shared with us all that inevitably the world that day was a sadder place. Everything in Lynch is about beauty and the ultimate importance of feelings. We are all driven by passions and feelings and there is nothing else we have to find what we value in this world, any world. How strange we all are, how strange and wonderful, amazing and terrifying.... fire walk with me say what you want why you so haunted did you cut that you bleed all matter of fact shit this is how you come this is you being numb come on now babe You want to sell you been to hell you waiting for someone touch her come on come on now babe there's no one here for you your alone what you gonna do take the pill see what gets killed find a way either steal or pay come on now babe ready at sunset the numbers run there are some who never even begun you know its all hopeless and fucked the money's the river and polluted and corrupt go down go down this is the heart of the town come on now babe sidewinder sidewinder cold lipstick cold eyeliner thongs and high heels oh how does it feel slap me your hands beat beat down and find the meat you know you've gone and what's right what's wrong come on now babe my town's your babe come on now … fuck it... guide wire die kinder slide wire eyed wonder child minder might wonder might wander night rider Allied Fighter night diner knight rider excite wonder guidelines were by wire by minor Pied Piper My Driver died under fine wire applied under hide under mind wander dried under live wire high titer night fighter slide under eyes wander Einheit Der hides under high titre guide wires Die Bilder bright winter spread wider guy wire Freiheit Der die einer spice grinder child minders bike rider sky diver knife grinder tie wire Weisheit Der teil einer Romy Schneider eye liner wind rider might widen typewriter rights under right under frightened her tidewater firefighter night under provide water tightened her by winter light under might render mild winter might hinder White Miners fight fire bright fire night riders White Tiger dry winter tide water prize fighter fine writer Thy Tender strike fighter brightened her bit wider Seiten Der Might Ponder crime fighter Allied Fighters lightened her cite libre White Thunder net wider. stole the guide wire die kinder slide wire I eyed you in wonder like some child minder and you might might wonder and hands might might wander I'm a night rider haunt the night diner you excite wonder break all guidelines I'm a minor kinda Pied Piper My Driver died under no more texts stick to sex no more texts stick to sex you hide under let your mind wander I'm too dried under your a live wire a high titer a night fighter I'll slide under let eyes wander no more texts stick to sex no more texts stick to sex bright winter bright winter spread wider be my spice grinder my child minders bike rider you're a sky diver I'm a knife grinder a live wire Romy Schneider you're all eye liner and wind rider no more texts stick to sex no more texts stick to sex no more typewriter no more rights under you frightened her near the tidewater a firefighter night under tightened her by winter set a light under that might render or might hinder your a bright fire a White Tiger the tide water a prize fighter f but Tender so she brightened her lightened her but no more texts stick to sex no more texts stick to sex. here we are again kick it Cinderella after midnight strips looking for a fight wants the maid not the prince knows what’s real and knows the price comes to the palace with a gun takes her time waits for the sun hooks up with the scullery maid runs off once they've both been laid here we are again kick it the castle's enraged by the strange time the prince looks for vengeance he's not lying the maid hides her face under the bushes she's hiding her sweating and hiding her blushes cinderella's left her home doesn't look back they're wanting to sell her the future looks black that aint no shoe its a kind of a deal that'll kill what she knows and kill what she feels here we are again kick it the story is fucked there's no happy way these women are going to be able to get away the palace is strong got soldiers and forces the home it treats people like livestock and horses the magic has gone it never stood a chance there was never a ball there was never a dance just a story that holds up a terrible warning for people with minds when love comes a calling here we are again kick it it's gone done babe... come on you know its real keep it snappity snap yea cry mercy lady the worlds crazy gonna live gonna die gonna love gonna cry bread gone got hard milk turned to lard butter ran out the door no one worth living for sweet green grass of home the beers got a different tone mama is waking up sister's got. a buttercup cry mercy lady the worlds crazy gonna live gonna die gonna love gonna cry the daughters gone into the city she's so fine she's so pretty the sky is blue and who loves who the moon looks tired the stars look wired the world is big and fat nothings matter of fact cry mercy lady the worlds crazy gonna live gonna die gonna love gonna cry the bar is awake there's a birthday cake pretty people kissing somethings missing down by the docks there are ticking clocks the news is bad some folks are sad cry mercy lady the worlds crazy gonna live gonna die gonna love gonna cry hit me babe, hit me yea. who was that crawling out who was it that made you frown and pout who stole the candle who turned your handle oo babe somethings are wrong others are a song sing out sing out no doubt no doubt who’s that smoking the cigar who’s that driving my car whose that talking nonsense whose that on my fence whose the one you left behind who was cruel and unkind who took the curds and whey who and why'd you never say oo babe somethings are wrong others are a song sing out sing out no doubt no doubt who rode the horse and took the shoe who’s the one who says he knows you whose wearing that pillbox hat whose now stroking your cat whose the one who skipped out of school whose the one you are calling a fool whose the sun and whose the moon whose the one your seeing soon oo babe somethings are wrong others are a song sing out sing out no doubt no doubt who’s the liar and who’s the thief whose the pork chop whose the beef whose the whisky and whose the wine whose the one you say is lying whose the one who bent the fender whose the one you said offends her whose the knife and whose the fork whose the silence whose the talk oo babe somethings are wrong others are a song sing out sing out no doubt no doubt whose the start and whose the end whose the one where the willows bend whose the shadow whose the sun whose still standing when all is done whose the mirror whose the wall whose the short and whose the tall whose the one whose breaking cover whose the lost and whose the lover oo babe somethings are wrong others are a song sing out sing out no doubt no doubt come on babe its gone down babe, its all gone down for sure. see you see you sigh question the expression distrust the guy in the Stetson see you see you sigh you're great in the procession they heard your expression your lessons deafen see you see you sigh went for transgression just got aggression ended in depression kind of a digression but hate your suppressions see you see you sigh your indiscretions just self expression sort of repossession you're an object lesson in self possession see you see you sigh see you see you sigh oh touch my heaven kiss my facial expression kill me babe oooo yea kill me right down... see you see you sigh see you see you sigh see you see you sigh oh touch my heaven kiss my facial expression kill me babe yea kill me right down... see you see you sigh see you see you sigh. this you and your appliance the flesh and all, the groans the silence the record plays jumps the stylus you close in your hands you're eyeless the flesh and all, the groans the silence there's a struggle there's connivance a chasm and the subsidence the flesh and all, the groans the silence you touch the body without licence your looks beguile us the flesh and all, the groans the silence the lingeries self reliance a sign post and a guidance the flesh and all, the groans the silence what do you hear what do you say what is the white of the eye the delay the screams in the dreams the fears in your tears the flesh and all, the groans the silence oh honey babe this is gone gone wrong come listen to the sound coming from underground devils in the trees its what she sees the flesh and all, the groans the silence bang me bang me bang me harder dear yea I'm nearly nearly there do me Bob, yea, I'm possessed darling simply possessed I'm possessed darling simply possessed. blue velvet your perfect pelvis move and edit yea see the sun never done cum cum blue helmets into pellets true merit new haircut blue parrot yea see the sun never done cum cum you never whenever use telnet internet count to seven you're welcome yea see the sun never done cum cum jump you who seldom take me to heaven took sue ellen through belgium see the sun never done cum cum on your knees see the wood for the trees if you please release these bread and cheese van de mies see the sun never done cum cum yea see the sun never done. perfect coffee in twin peeks watching the one with thin cheeks bringing peace within weeks she speaks her piece trousers creased she's he still keeps in his earpiece tin sheets oh your pink cheeks mountain trees lost keys twice sees devil fleas Midred Pierce ten weeks thus he speaks she tweeks he speaks she tweeks her lovely cheeks her lovely cheeks come on now the universe bleats strip it down start to frown the dressing gown the log the log sound get down to those woods honey yep FUCK. carper, barber, lurker, parker, burger, snorter, garter, harbor, berber, ardor, hoarder, barker, scarper, mortar, yarder, charter, order, forbear, shirker, carter, ardour, larder, forebear, warder, arbor, burgher, worker, harper, corker, bang bang bang starter, verger, tartar, darter, sorter, torpor, martyr, border, stertor, arguer, yorker, porker, shorter, porter, marker, quarter, turgor, harbour, durbar, markhor, arbour, parterre, barter, boarder, markhoor, harder, sharper, bang bang bang postal order, speech disorder, market order, superorder, supercharger, out of order, bricks and mortar, money order, pecking order, cream of tartar, standing order, point of order, open order, torque converter, batting order, shock absorber, tape recorder, purchase order, sleep disorder, social worker, billiard marker, bang bang bang blood disorder, civil order, credit order, draw and quarter, fellow worker, forequarter, fungus order, garment worker, in good order, james earl carter, jimmy carter, latin quarter, magic marker, nosey-parker, nosy-parker, polymarker, power worker, pullman porter, research worker, rules of order, silverworker, unpaid worker, welfare worker bang bang bang it's muder honey, devil music blood in the ear babe monsters in the woods bang bang bang crawl babe crawl crawl jeez end it social worker, billiard marker, bang bang bang blood disorder, civil order, credit order, draw and quarter, fellow worker, forequarter, fungus order, garment worker, in good order, james earl carter, jimmy carter, latin quarter, magic marker, nosey-parker, nosy-parker, polymarker, power worker, pullman porter, research worker, rules of order, silverworker, unpaid worker, welfare worker it's muder honey, devil music blood in the ear babe monsters in the woods crawl babe crawl crawl jeez end it crawl babe crawl crawl jeez end it. filthy filthy filthy lucre, sucre, neuter, pewter, suitor, hooter, boudoir, euchre, cougar, goober, brooder, tutor, looter, cooter, scooter, souter, tudor, shooter, luger, tuber, sudor, mucor, chukker, huber, huitre, krueger, lugar filthy girl you're a bad bad bad bad filthy girl come to daddy come to daddy now now babe dirty little recruiter, commuter, computer, square shooter, accouter, croupier, accoutre, intruder, coluber, freebooter, pea shooter filthy girl you're a bad bad bad bad filthy girl come to daddy come to daddy now now babe desktop computer, laptop computer, microcomputer, minicomputer, mainframe computer, briefcase computer, notebook computer filthy girl you're a bad bad bad bad filthy girl come to daddy come to daddy now now babe slap it harder make it make it oh man the lights the lights death coming in your body fire fire walking jeez fear fear fear fear fear fear. bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on who owns that fucking dog bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on who owns that fucking dog oooooo your face not your face your in the other room and here elsewhere is here and not haaaaaaaa on the highway what's burning the fir's too slow bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on who owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dog bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on who owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dog bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on who owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dogwho owns that fucking dog bow wow bow wow woof woof woof yayayaya woooo bow wow bow wow woof woof woof bark turn on turn turn on fuck everything everyone whew oooooooooooooooo sasasasasa drive babe drive yaaaaaaaaa fuck everything everyone whew oooooooooooooooo sasasasasa drive babe drive yaaaaaaaaa. here it comes babe here it is Gone down with the big fish Hooking the distortions The forest leads to a lodge black lodge white lodge the dead girls and their skirts bobby socks and the hotel rooms the most beautiful place in the world and the grandma grown from a seed the baby is a distortion the radiator sings its women the coffee donuts and cigarettes the nakedness is a sheer amazement Mary Mary Hopper both painter and actor Fuck you Fuck you the growls and snarls from the plastic you believed imaginary things real you believed in what you feel kisses in the headless night nightmares and dreams are sight touch me touching you touch babe touch touch Sheryl Lee sit on my knee Jack Nance chicken dance Laura Dearne nothing to learn Naomi Watts blonde and hot Laura Laura Harring Fuck you Fuck you the growls and snarls from the plastic you believed imaginary things real you believed in what you feel kisses in the headless night nightmares and dreams are sight what a ride babe, what a ride it was silencio silencio touch me babe you believed imaginary things real you believed in what you feel kisses in the headless night nightmares and dreams are sight what a ride babe, what a ride it was silencio